Part 1 Help Yourself
• Short-term
◦ Browse CO-HARBOR website and give us feedback and advice
◦ Share information about mental health facilities with those around you who need help
• Periodic
◦ Try at least 1 hour of taking a rest and relaxing once a week, and leave enough time to hang out with family and friends
◦ Stick to the habit of taking a walk every day or every other day, listening to music, and exercising or having other relaxing activities
• Long-term
◦ If periodic-term tasks persist for over three months, it can be converted into long-term tasks to accumulate "Ambassador Points"
Part 2 Helping Co-Harbor
1. Advertising and Promotion
• Short-term
◦ Promoting the official website and spreading information about teenage mental health issues
◦ Sharing Co-Harbor promotion videos and surveys
• Periodic
◦ Consistently attend events hosted by CO-Harbor and encourage others to participate
◦ Invite friends and classmates to join CO-HARBOR and become student ambassadors
• Long-term
◦ After completing mid-term tasks for three months, one will be offered to do long-term tasks. Upon competition of long-term tasks, “ambassador points” will be added and accumulated.
• Special Long-term(for level two teen ambassadors)
◦ Start mental health/Co-Harbor clubs or organizations at school or the local community. Raise awareness for teenage mental health/Co Harbor.
2. Creative Research
• Short-term
◦ Daily translation tasks
◦ Prepare for fund raising
◦ Collect and organize reports and data
• Periodic
◦ Weekly and monthly Music / Art therapy sharing
◦ Create Survey(if possible)or conduct specialized research. Share the data and results collected
• Special Periodic(for level one ambassadors)
◦ Participate in events planning
• Long-term
◦ After completing mid-term tasks for three months, one will be offered to do long-term tasks. Upon competition of long-term tasks, “ambassador points” will be added and accumulated.
Part 3: Let CO-HARBOR Help You!
Certificate System:
Participation I Award
Finish one short-term goal
Participation II Award
Finish three short-term goals
Peer Ambassador I Award
Finish three short-term goals + one periodic goal
Peer Ambassador II Award
Finish four short-term goals + two periodic goals / four short-term goals + one long-term goal
Peer Ambassador III Award
Finish four short-term goals + two periodic goals + one long-term goal + one special long-term goal
Get information about professors, institutions, and activities from CO-HARBOR for free
Community Immersion + Research Experience
Cooperation + Leadership
Annual internal evaluation grants well-rounded participants “The Best Annual Executer”
Give the most important job to CO-HARBOR for next year, and name as the “Interior Trainer In CO-HARBOR”