



With the never-ending and ever-worsening mental health crisis of adolescents in current society around the globe, we strive to raise awareness of the importance of teen mental health through a series of unique and innovative Peer-to-Peer Actions, where teenagers branch out across more than 15 countries to influence their communities in their own ways.

Join us as an Action Ambassador to connect teenagers around the world together to build an aware, diverse, and safe harbor for all.

Build Your Own Branch

Founded in 2019, CO-HARBOR is a non-profit organization started by a group consisting of teenagers wishing to raise awareness about teen mental health. Among teenagers with mental health needs, most do not receive appropriate care as needed. With the intention to support and help, we provide information on teen mental health and professional organizations. 

We also utilize surveys, informational sessions, and especially peer-to-peer actions to connect teens around the world, forming a safe harbor for them to share and express themselves. As teens of a youth organization, we hope to influence the coming generations of young adults to understand the importance of mental well-being. We hope that you as our audience will be able to support us through this process.


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Our Activities

We hope that you as our audience will be able to support us through this process.


CO-HARBOR Branch: SAS Bake Sale On March 2nd, the CO-HARBOR Branch: Mental Well-being Club at St. Andrew’s School, DE, hosted a bake sale to fundraise for raising awareness of the mental health of teens with intellectual disabilities.

CO-HARBOR Branch: SAS Yoga session Sunday, January 14th, the CO-HARBOR Branch: Mental Well-being Club at St. Andrew’s School, DE, organized a yoga session to help relieve some stress from the midterm exams that were approaching.

"Caring for Teen Mental Health: Peers in Action" Event The "Caring for Teen Mental Health: Peers in Action" forum has actively established a whole-chain mechanism for adolescents' mental health education, problem identification, and early intervention in collaboration with schools, families, medical institutions, and society, and jointly built a "line of defense" for adolescents' mental health ".

CO-HARBOR Branch: SAS Trevor Project Dance Showcase On April 3rd, the Mental Well-being Club, Dance, and LGBTQ Affinity Group put together a dance showcase to raise awareness for recent anti-LGBTQ violence.

SAS Mental Well-being Club: Yoga Session On February 11th, The St. Andrew's Mental Well-being Club founded by Victoria Yin that branches off from CO-HARBOR, hosted a yoga session led by Head of Counseling Office Mrs. Brown.

SAS Mental Well-Being Club: Bake Sale On February 5th, 2023, the St. Andrew's Mental Well-being Club founded by Victoria Yin that branches off from CO-HARBOR, hosted a bake sale selling brownies, cakes, sugar cookies, pumpkin bread, and more.

CO-HARBOR Branch: COLORES Wall Painting Event at Westover School Painting has a really strong connection with emotion. Just like poetry can express people's moods, colors and patterns can also act as a representation people's feelings.

"Soirée for Love" concert In order to raise the social awareness of autism, and appeal for more attention and care to autistic children, we joined hands with Neural Galaxy and Co-Harbor to hold this "Soirée for Love" concert.

Effective Parent Children Communication and Understanding With the support of China Family Newspaper Agency, China Parent Education Research Institute and the Beijing Parenting Education Professional Committee of Chinese Society of Education, CO-HARBOR will hold the second Peer to Peer Action: “Speak Your Heart” on July 30.

Sticky Note Project We decided to kick it off with a “Sticky Note Project”, where members of the club created and put up positive and supportive sticky notes around the school (mirrors, walls, door frames, etc.).